91 miles.
Well rested and ready to see my Chicago friends I boogied on out of Milwaukee. I was planning on taking the scenic route along the Lake, but missed the turn and ended up on the freeway. Oh well. Got to Colleen's house, just as she was getting home from her weekend road trip to Buffalo. We went downtown and to the Art Institute Museum and saw the Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit. It was so amazing. Did some touristy stuff, saw the Bean, the Al Bundy fountain, and went swimming. Met up with the Peddy Cash dudes and ate dinner. I'm gonna stay here for a few more days and then off to Cincinnati on Thursday. Chicago is rad.
Bug Report:
Not worth it, I went 91 miles.


Segway crew.

The Bean.

We and the Bean.

Cool Hand Durk.


Lake Michigan.

Curt and Chris. 2 thumbs up.
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