The trip started a day late, Rudi's battery died on the way out of Santa Barbara and I just got my right cylinder head back from the machine shop, the surface where it meets with the valve cover gasket had warped.
Rudi and I woke up at the butt crack of dawn in an attempt to try and beat the heat through the Mojave. We were on the road by 4:45am. Watched all the sorry suckers making their early commute to work and saw the sunrise through Apple Valley, not a bad way to start the trip.
We made it to Vegas by 10:00am and it was already hot as fuck. I needed to stop at the BMW dealer to grab a few more valve cover gaskets, as now my left cylinder was starting to leak like mad. We got the parts, gassed up, and got out of the wasteland known as Las Vegas.
Made it into Zion after a quick stop in St. George for some groceries. Riding into Zion I was blown away, it's a totally magical place. We meet up with my friend Jessica Lazer who is riding her '92 Honda CBR from San Francisco to her new home, New Orleans. She's riding with us through Utah and some of Colorado.
We set up camp and rode the shuttle to an awesome little swim hole that someone told her about. It was the perfect way to end a long day of desert slab riding.

Mojave. CA.




Zion NP.

To the swim hole.

Maxing. Relaxing.

View from the top.

Bug Report.
Nothing really great except for the juicer I caught to the chin. Some little gnats and stuff,, but mostly too hot for any living thing.
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